Research - New technologies and competences
PAJ has since 2002 had an active research department. To ensure that PAJ lives up to tough requirements from customers, there is constant work to move the limits for what is possible within our business areas. The research activities support the ability to deliver development and production competitively and has developed competences within the following areas:
- Platform technology within intelligent products
- Lasers and optics
- Sensor technology, including contamination in compressed air and clean room techniques
- Calibration techniques
- Gas chromatography
- Project management
- Cooperation with research institutes and other companies
Research projects are associated with uncertaincies and great risc. To be able to stear through these projects demands focus on project management -. a competence that in PAJ is used in the regular development projects for customers.
PAJ has currently three projects co-financed by the Danish National Advanced Technology Foundation:
- Anti Microbial Aluminium Surfaces - AMAS
- Danish Network for Intelligent Embedded Systems - DaNES
- Solid Particles Contamination - SPC
Research partners
PAJ has a range of research partners, amongst others:
- Teknologisk Institut - Tribologicenter
- Danmarks Tekniske Universitet - Institut for Mekanisk Teknologi
- Danmarks Tekniske Universitet - Center for Systems Microbiology
- Aalborg Universitet - Center for Indlejrede Software Systemer
- Syddansk Universitet - Mads Clausen Instituttet
- IPU Teknologiudvikling
- Alucluster